iWatch Nigeria

SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • Year: 2012
  • Award: WSA Young Innovators
  • Category: Young Innovators
  • Producer: Olusegun Fodeke
  • Country: Nigeria
iWatch is a platform where citizens can find detailed reports about the projects and budget allocations promised by governments in Nigeria, from local to  federal, and can air their opinions and concerns about what governments are doing. iWatch aims to improve accountability and keep governments on their toes in terms of their constitutional obligations and service delivery. The data provided by iWatch on nationwide government initiatives, tells you who is acting, what is being done, when people will be affected, where the efforts are being focussed and why the project is being carried out.
iWatch uses crowd-sourced reviews to generate performance reports on the plans made by government and makes these publicly available. Activist groups focused on transparency can champion discussions and raise the alarm, in order to increase the citizen awareness and participation required for good governance. Bringing government to civil society on every level, iWatch keeps people informed about government projects that will affect the way they live, change the way they do business or promote development to secure their future.
Never before has there been an unbiased, open, coordinated and well-planned system in Nigeria for people to voice their expectations and observations about government promises and actions. iWatch keeps watch.