JOIN Informed Youngsters

SDG 10: Reduced inequalities

In 2007, a group of 4 Mexican youngsters created JOIN – Jóvenes Informados, an e-magazine dedicated to citizen journalism that enables young people to share ideas about the issues that affect Mexico. What started as an ideal is now a well known weekly publication with a reach of 10,000 youngsters and a staff of 40 volunteers throughout the country. JOIN members share the belief that due to the apathy in the democratic life of Mexico, the first step towards the development of active citizens in the country’s political activity is to  inform well youth. And for that, Internet is the best platform. Mexico is waking up in terms of democracy: 14 years ago press freedom was still a dream today the country is learning how to deal with it.  During the first six years of this decade press freedom was rather a matter of destroying politicians’ image then of making a better country. JOIN was created to change that mindset. Press freedom is necessary to create a better nation with a pluralistic society.