
SDG 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure

Keapo is a mobile vending platform that makes buying and selling of personal easy. Users take a photo with the Keapo app of the product they want to sell, write a short description with no more than 140 characters, set the price and that’s it. The item will be listed for sale on Keapo and other social networks like Facebook and Twitter in less than 25 seconds. Through Keapo, users can also follow people they are interested in and discover all the surprising things they would like to exchange or sell. The listings are not determined by Keapo. Instead, the items with the most user likes jump to the top of the list, while others are ranked below according to popularity. It may be trash for you, but for other people your treasure just may be gold. You never know who needs your seemingly useless stuff until you list with Keapo.


Co-Funded by the European Union