Kuza One

SDG 2: Zero HungerSDG 8: Decent work and economic growth
  • Original Title: Kuza One
  • Year: 2018
  • Award: World Summit Award
  • Category: Environment & Green Energy
  • Producer: Sriram Bharatam, Bharathi Bharatam
  • Organisation: Kuza Biashara
  • Country: Kenya
  • URL: http://www.kuza.one/

78% of the 570 million farms around the world are classified as smallholder farms. Kuza One is a platform and program offering agri-business mentorship and quality information, credit & marketing to these farmers. A member of the rural community is chosen to become an “agri-entrepreneur” serving 200 farmers with packages of practices and agri-extension services via the portable digital kit. The multi-facetted digital platform provides access to crop advisories, inputs, credit & market info on demand.