- Original Title: LobbyPlag
- Year: 2013
- Award: The World Summit Award
- Category: Government & Citizen Engagement
- Producer: Mr. Marco Maas
- Organisation: OpenDataCity Datenfreunde UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
- Country: Germany
- URL: https://lobbyplag.eu/governments
Lobbyplag is a discovery and mapping tool for the interference of lobbyists with lawmaking. Lobbyplag.eu is a citizens discovery platform for the lawmaking process. Using a crowdsourced process, change proposals made by lobbying groups are mapped to actual changes in the text of upcoming legislation - and to the lawmakers who propose them. As Wired UK says about us: “LobbyPlag is designed to get the word out, get the public thinking about who writes laws that will remain for decades (and how), and to encourage the public to help out with the mammoth task of analysing more documents for comparisons. (...) LobbyPlag is there to help avoid any bad choices being made that will be permanently be written into the word of the law.”