Many to One SMS
- Year: 2010
- Award: The World Summit Award
- Category: Government & Citizen Engagement
- Producer: Phoenix Software Solution
- Country: India
This project uses a “Many to one SMS” based application to help government ministries monitor labour at nregs work sites - National Rural Employment Government Schemes. Information pertaining to labour used to be collected in a time-consuming process of phone calls and emails. Now, on the first day of the week, the secretary of every gram panchayat (local village/town government) is required to send an SMS in a prescribed format to a designated telephone number.
The SMS is automatically transferred to an electronic database and the information is displayed on a dynamic webpage. If the information has not received, a reminder SMS is generated and sent. In case an incorrect SMS is received, there is an option to edit data at the block level itself. The Many to One SMS based reporting system assists in reducing time delays in information-gathering.