SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being

Mediktor is the most advanced and accurate AI based technology for triage, pre-diagnose and decision making support.


The interaction with users begin by asking them to report their symptoms or simply how they feel using their own words in an open text field. From there and considering also data like gender, age, risk factors, previous conditions and surgery, medication or vital signs MEDIKTOR uses its AI and intuition to build hypothesis on the conditions that the users may have.


From there, MEDIKTOR iterates in finding the best question to confirm or discard the different hypothesis made. Different types of questions can be asked to patients (closed questions, multi answer questions, multi option questions,…). If a question may be difficult to understand pictures are used to illustrate and facilitate comprehension. Questions can be read to users with difficulties to read.


All the conversation between user and dr. over the chat is permanently available in a written format in the user’s device.


Co-Funded by the European Union