Mladiinfo – Your Link to Free Education

SDG 4: Quality Education
  • Original Title: Младиинфо - твојот линк до бесплатно образование
  • Year: 2012
  • Award: WSA European Young Innovators
  • Category: European Young Innovators
  • Producer: Bistra Kumbaroska, Stefan Alijevikj
  • Organisation: Младиинфо
  • Country: North Macedonia
  • URL:

“Mladiinfo – Your Link to Free Education” is an initiative which uses new and social media as a tool for empowering disadvantaged youth from developing countries to realize their full potential and to be proactive in their community, and thus contribute towards more democratic social development. We achieve this through providing information on educational and volunteering opportunities, trainings, internships, competitions etc. Before launching this initiative, we at Mladiinfo felt there was a huge discrepancy in the mobility and quality of education between youth from the global South and the one from the global North. We launched this online platform hoping to reduce this gap by making information equally available to everyone. We firmly believe that creating a skilled and competent youth which won’t lag behind its peers from the developed countries is the key element which can guarantee and secure long-lasting social prosperity for the developing world.


Co-Funded by the European Union