My Country My village

SDG 1: No PovertySDG 10: Reduced inequalities
  • Year: 2011
  • Award: WSA Young Innovators
  • Category: Young Innovators
  • Producer: Rahman Ataur
  • Country: Bangladesh
  • URL:

Amar Desh Amar Gram is the first project of its kind that takes computers and web access to the lowest income group and empowers them with a possibility that was not ever previously available to them before. This project takes the products from producers specially under privileged women and girls all around Bangladesh and then opens up national and international markets for them. Today woman sitting at home producing simple ‘Nokshi Kathas” , are earning by selling there kathas all over Bangladesh and even abroad, farmer growing fresh vegetables are supplying to city markets. The centers that control this supply chain is controlled by youths that are trained it to the infinite world of ecommerce, they themselves go on teach others, schools are handed out free softwares that the students benefit from and the wide world of digital technology becomes a reality for them. This unique and first of its kind ecommerce based poverty elevation project not only provided empowerment but also creates a new generation of entrepreneurs among the youth who can then strive for self sufficiency.