- Original Title: नागरिक एप
- Year: 2022
- Award: The World Summit Award
- Category: Government & Citizen Engagement
- Producer: Santosh Aryal, Safal Shrestha, Prabin Chauhan
- Country: Nepal
- URL:
NagarikApp is:
- Single mobile app for major citizen-centric government services – already 19+ integrated and further in progress.
- Simple registration with just a mobile number and OTP with multiple options for identity verification. Other profile details are optional and can be furnished later as the user uses it over a period.
- Availability of many services on a Single App brings more utility for a citizen.
- Uniform/easy experience across Government services including taxation-based payments.
- NagarikApp provides 12x7 (7 am to 7 pm, all days) customer support through toll-free IVR that can be connected to Customer Service Executive, Messenger, Viber chat, and email for any kind of support a user may need.
- NagarikApp is backed by 24x7 O&M support, it is always updated.
NagariApp has been recognized by WSA as exemplary in helping meet UN SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth,UN SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and infrastructure , UN SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals, and for it's role in connecting citizens with their local representatives it was given the WSA Award for Government and Citizen Engagement.