- Original Title: Ndolo360
- Year: 2016
- Award: Young Innovators Award
- Category: Young Innovators
- Producer: Ms. Mallah Tabot
- Organisation: United Vision
- Country: Cameroon
- URL: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=cm.itsolutions.cookcms.app56b1f7f88ef7b
- Social:
Ndolo360 is the first ever mobile application of its kind in the region to provide open, honest and judgement-free sexuality education, information and services to teenagers, adolescents and young people who need it the most.
Where do you go to for sexual health advice or information as a young person? In Cameroon as in the rest of Africa, the answer is a definite “Not sure”. Sex is still sort of a taboo, depriving young people of basic vital information which they need to make informed choices about their sexual health.
Ndolo360 is filling this gap. This fun, light-hearted and informative app gives you the liberty to explore all the choices you have as a young person and get the best knowledge from health experts and gain access to a gold mine of constructive information on your Sexual and Reproductive Health with just a tap of your phone. This is the first mobile app of its kind in Cameroon and Africa which will deliver learning by providing open, honest and judgement-free education, information and services on Sexual and Reproductive Health to teenager, adolescents and young people.
With access to vital information needed to make informed choices, the short and long term effects include better understanding and control over your own body, unlimited access to vital Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights including HIV services which would reduce the rates of unsafe abortions and other dangerous practices, lower risks of teenage pregnancy, raise awareness about safe sex which then translates into lower HIV infection rates among teenagers, adolescents and young people and more importantly a culture of openness when it comes to discussions around sexuality and sex.
Ndolo360 is available in two languages-English and French, with plans to incorporate other languages in Africa as it grows.
Ndolo360 has several great features including the following:
Aska Sexpert, which lets users ask questions anonymously and get responses from Peer Educators and Sexperts, play games and quizzes, access a database of fun, light-hearted and constructive information, share their most embarrassing, useful or crazy sexual experiences on a social platform and gain access to a database of youth-friendly service providers.