Online Webinars for African Women and Girls!

SDG 4: Quality EducationSDG 5: Gender equality

Imagine a group of women and girls that have been excluded because they reside in a rural part of Nigeria, Ghana or another country in West Africa. Many are without a means of earning an adequate form of livelihood, as a result of their inaccessibility to business education. They are often burdened with a socioeconomic situation that leaves them with little opportunity and little access to information regarding banking, entrepreneurial ventures, and financial education. This project aims to solve this issue by providing a platform for economic development and transformation through entrepreneurship and technological innovation using online webinars as an effective tool for social and sustainable change. It is our aim to create an online space for nurturing those who are interested in entrepreneurship.

These online webinars aim to create a curriculum to include training on (social media, marketing, the business registration process, use of new forms of technology for business, and financials) that will enable, and enhance the knowledge of African women and youths. One of the main factors hindering entrepreneurship for African women is the lack of confidence. It hinders their ability to approach financiers or receive the necessary business support needed to start, expand, or grow. With business education trainings African youths, especially women and girls, will address their self-confidence issues and the webinars will provide them with a training program needed to help develop their business skills.

Co-Funded by the European Union