Paris, a Roman City

SDG 4: Quality Education
  • Year: 2005
  • Award: World Summit Award
  • Category: Culture & Heritage
  • Organisation: Ministry of Culture and Communication
  • Country: France
  • URL:

Visitors to the Paris, a Roman City website can see and explore the city's main monuments from the Early Roman Empire — today completely vanished — including the forum, the theatre, the amphitheatre ("Les Ar?nes de Lutece") and the baths ("Les Thermes de Cluny"). Interactive handling of objects discovered during archaeological excavations — such as a fibula, a statuette, a vase, a pocketknife, etc — help bring these ‘witnesses of the past’ back to life. Thanks to overlay maps, users can step back and forth in time, and for those who want to make a ‘real’ visit to Roman Paris, an information guide leads travellers along traces of the past through the streets of today.