Pellital Microfinance Institution

SDG 1: No PovertySDG 5: Gender equality
  • Year: 2011
  • Award: WSA Young Innovators
  • Category: Young Innovators
  • Producer: Adama Diop
  • Country: Senegal
  • URL:

Microfinance is the supply of financial services, such as loans, savings, insurance, and credit, to poor and low-income clients. Pellital is a Microfinance Institution (MFI) through which individuals lend money to poor women in the rural village of Agnam-Goly in Senegal. MfI’s benefit low income individuals and families by requiring little or no collateral to receive a loan. Any individual can loan to an MFI, and in the case of Pellital, they will be repaid in full within sixteen months. The women that receive the loans pay back the loan plus a small amount of interest to cover the operational costs for Pellital...