Picture Word
- Original Title: Sliko zbor
- Year: 2016
- Award: Young Innovators Award
- Category: Young Innovators
- Producer: Mr. Darijan Shekerov
- Organisation: ICT Talent Innovation and Education Center-ILUMINE
- Country: North Macedonia
- URL: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.darijansekerov.slikozbormk&hl=en
Sliko zbor (Picture Word) is a mobile application that helps people, mainly children with autism, autistic specter of disorders and speech problems in their everyday communications. It is accepted by defectologists, speech therapists and organizations for people with disabilities. It can be used in the classes in the special schools where children with speech problems and autism learn. To use this program, you choose the desired group of activities and you pick and press on one of the categories. The phone broadcasts audio (speech) that describes the activity and the picture. Its very easy to use, and is available for FREE on the Play Store. The application is divided in eight groups: Game and fun, Conversation, Weather, Clothes and Shoes, Numbers, Shapes, Wild Animals and Domestic Animals. The first group describes actions that are related to games and fun, such as walking (in a park), listening to music or watching TV. The second group contains different expressions and phrases used in conversations, for example hello, good morning, congratulations etc. The third group describes the weather conditions. The fourth group is about clothes and shoes. The fifth group is dedicated for numbers and currency. The sixth group is about the shapes, the seventh for the wild animals and the last eighth is for the domestic animals. This way the communication between the children with autism and their parents and/or teachers is easier, the children can express their needs and the parents can understand them.