
SDG 3: Good Health and Well-BeingSDG 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure

Liimtec is developing PocketDefi, the smallest and most affordable public access defibrillator or AED (Automatic External Defibrillator). PocketDefi is the first AED, that provides unique user experience by being monitored and serviced through the mobile network. With PocketDefi, first aiders can react immediately in case of emergency and defibrillation becomes widely available.


To deliver this unique user experience, Pocketdefi combines an AED-Hardware with a mobile app, connecting to our back-end servers. Through this connection we can monitor the status and availability of PocketDefis and assist the owners in cases of first aid. On top PocketDefi offers a first responder system, called proximity alert, for cardiac emergencies by alerting first aiders nearby on a call for help.


Co-Funded by the European Union