Ponoko – Your Personal Factory
- Original Title: Ponoko - Your Personal Factory
- Year: 2013
- Award: The World Summit Award
- Category: Business & Commerce
- Producer: Mr.Derek Elley
- Organisation: Ponoko
- Country: New Zealand
- URL: http://www.ponoko.com
Ponoko helps product designers become superstars. Ponoko makes it easy for designers to both make and sell their products online, 10x faster and cheaper than traditional methods. Direct online access is guaranteed to both manufacturing (with no minimum order size) and consumers (with no retail curator). Designers upload designs to their online Personal Factory and select materials to instantly verify, price and order prototypes and custom products. They can then add them to the marketplace for sale. Personal Factory speeds the process and reduces the cost of turning designs into products and into businesses. This is a major change in the way new products are brought to market, unleashing the world's product design creativity and commerce. To date, Ponoko designers have produced over 300,000 custom products.