- Year: 2011
- Award: The World Summit Award
- Producer: Francisco Manuel dos Santos Foundation
- Country: Portugal
- URL: http://www.pordata.pt/
PORDATA is a free public service provided and promoted by the Francisco Manuel dos Santos Foundation and responds to the growing need for credible statistical information. The database includes thousands of official statistics from more than 50 bodies. PORDATA started with a database for Portugal and more recently augmented its contents with another for Europe (including the USA and Japan, whenever possible). Data are displayed in an innovative and easy way, covering many subjects of public interest (such as Population, Education, Health, Economy, Environment and Science & Technology), within a time frame of up to five decades. In just a few clicks, the information is displayed in both static and dynamic tables or graphs. Indicators from different subjects can be added and cross-referenced in the same table and a variety of statistical operations can also be applied. Complete and detailed metadata is also available. PORDATA keeps up with technology like iPhone, Facebook and twitter, making facts easily available as you need them in different situations.