Radijojo World Children’s Radio & Media Network

SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong InstitutionsSDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals

Radijojo World Children’s Radio & Media Network is a non-profit organisation dedicated to media based global learning, cultural exchange, inclusion, youth empowerment and children’s rights. We connect children and youth of all ages, cultures and social contexts in more than 100 countries. Connecting with a peer is the best way to make issues like fair trade, child labour or climate change concrete for children in workshops, as well as for young listeners and users of our content. All our content is designed as a free educational resource, is made by children for children and can be accessed by schools, families, children’s centres, cultural groups, NGOs and non-commercial libraries worldwide for free. With no advertising, Radijojo combines public and social media with the formal and non-formal education sector, and networks with global partners working for peace and intercultural dialogue. In school workshops, children and educators are trained in the use of media to create podcasts, websites, radio shows, videos and animation films on issues that have a local and a global relevance, such as the MDGs, children’s rights, cultural diversity, or migration. Radijojo has received awards from UNESCO, UNICEF Headquarters, the EU and the German Federal Government, Ashoka, the International Institute for the Rights of the Child and others.

Co-Funded by the European Union