
SDG 4: Quality Education
  • Original Title: Readmio
  • Year: 2023
  • Award: World Summit Award
  • Category: Culture & Heritage
  • Producer: Jozef Šimko, Ilya Novodvorskiy, Erik Nota, Radoslav Rajčan
  • Country: Slovakia
  • URL:

Developed by a Czech-Slovak team, Readmio uses a mobile app to make
reading more attractive to children by complementing storytelling with
real-time sound effects. Today’s children suffer from passivity in front of
screens, shrinking attention spans and a decline in parent-child quality
time. The Readmio antidote offers mental-emotional development
through edutainment. based on interactive narratives and activities. Using
voice-recognition technology, the app brings stories to life. Readmio
contributes to literacy development, reading comprehension and the enhancement
of cognitive skills.