Redress Remix

SDG 4: Quality Education

Redress Remix is an award-winning project comprised of a 3-part documentary series and an interactive living documentary. Redress Remix tackles one of the most controversial Canadian government decisions in recent years: the official 2006 apology to the Chinese Canadian community for the Head Tax and Exclusion Act of 1923. The documentary film uses a unique approach that includes animation techniques, newly composed music and testimonial interviews, to reveal to audiences the events that shaped the Redress movement and led to the official Government apology and its influence on a new generation of Chinese Canadians. The interactive web project, developed in conjunction with the film, allows Canadians to contribute to the national dialogue on the issue through a ground-breaking ‘living documentary’ experience. Users are invited to explore 180º panoramas featuring subjects from the film who represent a certain theme related to the Redress movement. The panoramas offer information about the subject, the theme, and a thematic video featuring repurposed documentary footage. Redress Remix invites the user to respond to what they have learned by turning on their webcam and becoming a part of the discussion.