- Original Title: Refugeeswork
- Year: 2016
- Award: Young Innovators Award
- Category: Young Innovators
- Producer: Mr. Dominik Beron
- Organisation: Refugeeswork
- Country: Austria
- URL:
What we do & our Mission: is an online job platform that connects refugees and employers in order to make the refugees´ potential accessible for the labour market and breakdown negative stereotypes towards refugees.
How we do it:
Refugees can register for free, create an online CV & apply for vacancies .
Employers can:
1. List vacancies, which we propose to refugees through our matching algorithm
2. Search directly for employees. („Talentsuche“).
Moreover we provide
3. easy to understand legal info,
4. downloads of bureaucratic forms incl. help texts
5. info on relevant public subsidies
6. integrational concepts to ease the process of integrating refugees into new organisational structures.
7. messaging system with integrated calendar
8. an e-learning section to prepair refugees for eg. cultural differences
Financial sustainability: is a Social enterprise, where employers pay annual fees depending on their size.