- Original Title: Retresco RTR TextEngine & TMS Themen Management System
- Year: 2017
- Award: The World Summit Award
- Category: Business & Commerce
- Producer: Mr. Alexander Siebert
- Organisation: Retresco GmbH
- Country: Germany
- URL:
- Social:
The Topic Management System (TMS) is powered by NLU, a technology that deals with machine reading comprehension. It helps content publishers increase the value and accessibility of their content. It facilitates a loyal and returning audience base, and aids the process of acquiring new audiences through increased search engine visibility.
In 2012 Retresco extended into NLG, a technology that extracts structured data from complex sources to produce naturally worded prose. Over the past years we saw that customers had many common needs. This gave us the inspiration to built the rtr textengine, a web-based, self-service NLG platform for non-developers. It is currently in beta and available in German only. An English release anticipated in Q1 2018.
We provide a user-friendly interface for beta testers to build and produce content templates to generate automated text. These can be easily shared with colleagues and customers, helping organisations optimise operations and empower employees.