Rooftops at dawn – Literative walk

04 Quality Education
  • Original Title: Hajnali Háztetők irodalmi séta
  • Year: 2012
  • Award: WSA European Young Innovators
  • Category: European Young Innovators
  • Producer: Anna Janko, Julia Oravecz
  • Organisation: Hajnali Háztetők irodalmi séta
  • Country: Hungary
  • URL:

The product, an application is a mixture of an book, a city walk and an exhibition experience – brought to you on location.
The interactive urban walk provides a new way to experience classic literature as well as to experience the city as never before, along with being able to discover parts of local history embedded into a new digital framework.
The book is adapted of a celebrated Hungarian author whose 100th anniversary is this year. The plot of the book is of a love story of four characters introducing the lifestyle of the 1930s which unfolds on different locations in the city.
The structure of the experience is divided into parts of the novel being played – or read – during the walk followed by multimedia galleries that include various archive documents to evoke the era.
The walk follows a predefined sequential path: stops cannot be skipped, but the walk – which all together takes 3 hours to complete – can be finished at any time and can be relaunched again later.