Roots & Routes TV

SDG 4: Quality EducationSDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals
  • Year: 2009
  • Award: WSA Young Innovators
  • Category: Young Innovators
  • Producer: Aileen Wessely
  • Country: Germany
  • URL:

„ROOTS&ROUTES TV” calls itself also “The Cultural Diversity Web TV“ and provides space for youth from different cultural backgrounds (roots), to communicate their own issues and cultural practices (routes), by means of video and web-TV. It functions in two ways: as an intercultural network of co-operating young video crews in 5 European countries and as a multilingual online Web-TV platform where people can upload clips combined with several community functions. Urban culture and youth cultures are the central themes and young people get to know different ways of cultural, social and political participation in their role as European citizens. Moreover, they learn to appreciate their own capacities in team work and production processes. ROOTS&ROUTES TV fosters language diversity as the platform is multilingual and shows today’s European life. Target groups are young people from the suburbs of European cities with an age of 15-25 years.