Sewer tourism

SDG 6: Clean water and sanitationSDG 15: Life on Land



“Our environment our life - Take action” is the slogan of this informational and pictorial website that displays the sewer tourism around Nairobi River and follows the vision to eradicate poor sanitation and assist the development of slums. The website displays as a tourist attraction a unique section of the river that by today lost its bio-diversity and is even unknown to many residents. The website explains why the river is sewer contaminated and offers solutions. One solution is the so called toilet project. It created a platform to educate the community on environment sustainability, to improve sanitation of the slum dwellers, to prevent poor sanitation related diseases and to engage the community in tree planting. The toilet project seeks to reduce the river’s pollution due to human waste and improve sanitation and to establish a platform for the community in order to educate on conservation issues. This site is a medium of communication to youth in particular and public in general, addressing the need to save and protect our environment.

Co-Funded by the European Union