
SDG 4: Quality Education

StudySmarter is a learning platform to empower students to achieve their educational goals. The proprietary technology automatically creates summaries, mind-maps and flashcards from uploaded material, and also recommends suitable additional content within seconds, such as for example a video tutorial or an article.

Gamification features make learning more fun, with statistics and predictive analytics boosting learning transparency. The platform brings together more than 10.000 active users, matching students from across the globe into learning communities.

StudySmarter is a free and scalable solution to solving the dropout crisis in colleges and universities and can become a platform for lifelong learning. With its excellent design, StudySmarter enjoys awesome feedback both from universities and student users who have spent a combined 110.000 hours on the platform, with 78% of them reporting better grades. An intelligent platform advancing the process of studying holistically.


Jury Evaluation:

“Although one can argue for the level of innovation, if put into the context, this is a very important initiative. This project provides a smart solution to an existing problem in Germany, which in part reduces the rate of early school leaving. The project is quite successful as per the data provided, which states that from 10,000 active student users, 78% have reported improvement in their grades. The free platform is highly advanced and  and automatically creates individual Mind-Maps, Summaries and Flashcards from uploaded study materials with the intelligent Natural Language Processing Algorithm, and enables sharing with other students. Moreover, the platform also allows for verification of the content creator and rating, therefore a student can also improve of how to extract information and present the information better. The jury has also tested the website and it is perfectly functional and the design is excellent. We believe that this project should win because it can simplify the study process and reduce the stress and anxiety of students, giving them a chance to perform better and advance ahead with their studies. Moreover the project has a great expansion plan to cover all EU by 2020.” – EYA Jury Report



Co-Funded by the European Union