
SDG 4: Quality EducationSDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals
talentify.me is a social platform that brings together young people, aged eight to nineteen years, from higher and lower socio-economic backgrounds, and encourages them to help each other. The platform aims to break the vicious circle connecting level of education with socio-economic background.

By empowering students to give peer-to-peer tutoring and share knowledge, talentify.me lets students strengthen their social skills and sense of responsibility. Children from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds get access to affordable tutoring from peers and thereby manage to succeed in school. To motivate young people, a gamification system with online and offline components, is implemented at the core of the platform: good actions and interactions among peers are rewarded with bonus points to be spent on basic professional trainings and workshops provided by partners such as IBM and SAP.

Thus talentify.me reconnects schools with real life, by establishing a network of partners that enthusiastically engage with pupils and share their professional know-how. It’s a win-win situation as pupils benefit from the workshops, while companies and universities get access to promising talent right in school. The long-term goal is to establish peer-to-peer learning as an alternative to existing tutoring and create a bottom-up movement throughout the education system, while enabling companies to nurture the individual talents of young people.

Working closely with charitable and social agencies ensures that talentify.me connects with the children who need support the most.



Jury Evaluation:

“talentify.me is a social platform that empowers school students and university students to provide and search for peer-to-peer tutoring and knowledge. The web platform revives the Renaissance mutual learning methods involving all related parties students, teachers, parents and at last but not least the business which is the main consumer of the school output. talentify.me has the ambition to propose an innovative business model that to compete with the traditional tutoring offers, saving the educational costs for families and adding value to the learning processes through the development of the social skills and empathy of pupils. The platform is very simple and easy to use.” – EYA Grand Jury Report




Co-Funded by the European Union