Tappoyo Fintech
- Original Title: Tappoyo Fintech
- Year: 2023
- Award: The World Summit Award
- Category: Business & Commerce
- Producer: Fiorella Milagros Contreras Astete, Rennzo Fernando Contreras Astete, Karen Alejandra Flores Barrientos, Maor Roizman Gheiler
- Country: Peru
- URL: https://www.tappoyo.com/
Group Loan Women PRO has built a sound business case for women in rural areas, leveraging basic technologies such as text messenger and classic microfinance. Women entrepreneurs with no collateral are now credit subjects. National statistics show that 23% of women access formal financial services, but in rural areas, only 1 out of 10. Women leaders in Group Loan Women PRO’s network, “Allies in Action,” teach female entrepreneurs how to use technology. Group Loan Women PRO offers women the lowest interest rates. It reduces the risk of default through trust-building. Group Loan Women PRO disproves the idea that, without experience and collateral, loans to women are impossible.