The Inclusive City
- Original Title: The Inclusive City
- Year: 2023
- Award: The World Summit Award
- Category: Smart Settlements & Urbanization
- Producer: Galimzhan Gabdreshov, Nurbek Yensebayev, Nurzada Amangeldy
- Country: Kazakhstan
- URL:
- Social:
The Inclusive City utilizes ICT and AI to make human settlements more inclusive
by addressing the visually, hearing and speaking impaired, or the
young and old with musculoskeletal conditions. In the case of the blind, it
provides “vision” based on echolocation and high-quality visual images generated
in the brain. The Inclusive City also offers a Braille tutoring device for
reading in diverse languages, a tutoring device to play musical instruments,
and locomotion apparatus. Navigation and sign language recognition subsystems
assist users in getting around, communicating effectively, and accessing
written information. The Inclusive City enhances independence
and overall well-being.