The Museum of Yesterday
- Original Title: Museu do Ontem
- Year: 2017
- Award: The World Summit Award
- Category: Culture & Heritage
- Organisation: Agência Pública
- Country: Brazil
- URL:
- Social:
The Museum of Yesterday mixes investigative journalism, urban exploration, and Pokémon Go, providing a playful way for participants to uncover hidden secrets of the old port of Rio de Janeiro.
Rio de Janeiro’s port enjoys a rich past, filled with stories Brazilians don’t learn about in school. This is the focus of Agência Pública’s mobile app, the Museum of Yesterday. The Museum of Yesterday mixes investigative journalism, urban exploration, and Pokémon Go to give participants a new vision of the area surrounding the Porto Maravilha, the old port of Rio de Janeiro, one of the landmarks of the 2016 Rio Olympics.
With our app, participants uncover Rios secret past. From the arrival of Dom João VI, the first European monarch to ever set foot on American soil, all the way to the recent corruption scandals of Operation Car Wash, the largest corruption investigation in the world. No one will see the Porto Maravilha in the same way, again!