
SDG 3: Good Health and Well-BeingSDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals

True-Kare it’s a SERVICE to simplify the life of people above 65. It enables one person or institution to provide remote care to another person. The service is based in the communication between two central interfaces: a web self-care portal to the carer and a special mobile phone to the elder person. The service makes the link between the carer and caree to provide several forms of support: -daily activities -medication -health indicators control (Blood Pressure, Glucose, temperature and weight) -GPS location and geofencing -emergency -simplify phone usage The mass market version of the service is to be used by relatives or small institutions to provide informal care to their elder parents. In Portugal the service is being promoted by the main telecom operator and the main TV channel The version to the telecare industry, that follows all the quality standards, procedures and security. The service is integrated in several telecare platforms, namely the biggest in EU and in France.


Co-Funded by the European Union