Tunisian Industry Portal
- Original Title: Portail de l'Industrie Tunisienne
- Year: 2011
- Award: The World Summit Award
- Category: Government & Citizen Engagement
- Producer: Agency for the Promotion of Industry and Innovation
- Country: Tunisia
- URL: http://www.tunisieindustrie.nat.tn/fr/home.asp
Tunisian Industry Portal includes all the information you need to know in order to set up a company, from creating the initial concept through strategic positioning studies for various sectors, development of a business plan and understanding the role of support structures. It also gives a thorough review of financing possibilities, including tax and financial incentives for new businesses, explains formalities for announcing your initiative, and outlines the legal steps for setting up a company or others services.Online services include: an enterprise multi-criteria research engine with over 5,860 entries, an industrial sectors monograph and surveys library - including statistics, performances, benchmarking indicators and cost factors - business opportunities information, an industrial data base, production channel networks and investment incentives. Tunisian Industry Portal is a showcase of e-Gov services in Tunisia, combining effective online support with multi-languages, on time services and good usage of ICT, thus reducing costs and enhancing transparency overall.