TXAPITA APP – Intelligent Digital Exchange System for Public Passenger Transport and Urban Mobility
- Original Title: Aplicativo TXAPITA - Sistema Inteligente de Intercâmbio Digital Para o Transporte Público de Passageiros e Mobilidade Urbana
- Year: 2021
- Award: The World Summit Award
- Category: Smart Settlements & Urbanization
- Producer: Eddie Massinga, Dário Cassolo
- Organisation: 10 People
- Country: Mozambique
- URL: https://apps.apple.com/mz/app/txapita/id1477256714
Dissatisfaction on the part of public transport users due to lack of information and the reduced number of buses are some of the factors responsible for the poor quality of public transport.
In order to improve the quality of the service provided on the entire city and province of Maputo, TXAPITA App identifies and locates the arrival of buses in real time using the GPS installed in the buses, as well as providing all transport lines, stopping points and itineraries.
TXAPITA App brings benefits to Maputo City and Province, such as: low pollution rate, reduced vehicle flow, improved mobility conditions with reduced waiting times at stops, consequently reducing passenger exposure to the sun, rain and dust.