UMRE “UniExo”

SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being

The primary objective of UMRE is to create an intuitive technology and human action vehicle to help injured people, those with disabilities, and older people with age-related musculoskeletal problems, by rehabilitating the damaged area and promoting movement.

Wearing an exoskeleton put on in only two to five minutes and based on a personal diagnosis of the wearer’s actual movements, anyone can begin to move normally. Other applications include rehab after a heart attack or assistance with atrophied limbs due to a long bedridden recovery or even in the case of cerebral palsy.

UMRE was developed by partners in neurology and cybernetics by gathering data derived from experimental equipment measuring pressure and muscle load on arms and legs. The computer program synthesizes results and optimizes movement. The prototype exoskeleton is a highly sophisticated integrated product combining hardware, sensors, servomotors, controllers and related software.

While exoskeleton models to date have had military applications, UMRE offers an innovative and practical option for universal medical and civilian uses with an optimized software management system for human movement recording and playback, with improved ergonomics. Even with heavy use, UMRE can run for up to ten hours on a single battery charge, mobilizing people back into everyday activities.


Jury Evaluation:

“UMRE is a working prototype of a rehabilitation intuitive technology that, when finalized, would help people having problems with the musculoskeletal system, to rehabilitate and promote the movement. The prototype exoskeleton is a highly sophisticated integrated product combining hardware, sensors, servo motors, controllers and software. It has been developed based on Lego Mindstorm and has a potential, – when finalized as an industry product – to provide adaptive, cost effective solutions applicable to a wide variety of people: people with disabilities, injured people, older people who, because of their age, have problems with the musculoskeletal system and other target groups.” – EYA Grand Jury Report




Co-Funded by the European Union