Voices of Africa for Sustainable Development

SDG 1: No PovertySDG 4: Quality Education

VOA4SD is “training the trainers” in the fields of ICT for Development and utilizes Internet and computers to offer “development” courses at a nominal fee. Graduate “trainers” are empowered to be development leaders in their communities by building social businesses and rural information empowerment centers supporting themselves and their local economies. Community students are encouraged to join or form organizations to support one another in finding a way out of poverty. VOA4SD offers classes twice a week but students are able to access the lab for research an additional 5 to 10 hours per week in the evenings. The center offers a variety of community education programs such as Introduction to a Computer, The Wonderful World of the Web, Nutrition and Public Health, Social Business, Community Development, Human Rights and Democracy Building, and Environmentally Sustainable Development. VOA4SD's mission is to empower impoverished women and youth to improve their communities sustainably through the use of technologies and fair trade income generation.

Co-Funded by the European Union