Women’s Forum

SDG 5: Gender equality

The Women’s Forum is an online network for talented women from Azerbaijan and other countries who express themselves through writing. Among the authors are professional journalists, bloggers, and first-time writers. It publishes articles, interviews, and opinion pieces, covering women’s rights, careers, and family life. The forum also broaches issues that are still taboo in the Caucasus, such as domestic violence, virginity, and homosexuality. The web site runs on the inspiration of women who contribute to it on a regular basis and establish contacts with other women to expand the network. It is published in Azeri, Russian and English, which makes it accessible and relevant to everyone in Azerbaijan. It compensates many of the authors to help them find the time to think and write about what is happening in their lives. The Forum is a collective blog that connects young people who can put the MDGs into action with a growing use of new media tools. It is the only web site in Azerbaijan that attempts to consolidate women’s creative output and showcase it to empower other women.

Co-Funded by the European Union