
- Year: 2013
- Award: WSA Young Innovators
- Category: Young Innovators
- Producer: Mr. Tamer Taha
- Country: Egypt
- URL: http://yomken.com/
Yomken.com is the first social platform that offers a hybrid model between open-innovation and crowd-funding platform in the Arabic-speaking world. It tries to bridge the gap between the challenges faced by micro- and small entrepreneurs (MSE) working mainly in low-tech and informal manufacturing industries and the innovative ideas and skills of potential problem solvers.
As a non-profit online platform Yomken.com is providing an innovative channel to market new products, enable entrepreneurs to develop their ideas through “crowd-funding” and connect people.
Yomken is mainly a youth-based platform. It provides the adequate environment for the Egyptian youth to offer grassroots innovations in response to real needs coming from Egyptian MSEs. Young people are encouraged to fight unemployment, not only by starting their own businesses, but also by helping underprivileged MSE owners to increase the added value of their products which will be translated in higher revenues. Collaborative projects range from designing new products or upgrading existing ones, providing machinery or unconventional raw material to graduation projects and implementation of innovative solutions designed by young engineers.