- Corps member creates platform for innovators’ exploration (The Nation 27 December, 2024).
- WSA Nigeria Entrepreneurship & Innovation Conference (NEIC) 2024 Holds, Dec. 21 (University of Lagos 19 December, 2024).
- La Corporación Patrimonio Cultural celebra 30 años de historia y compromiso con la preservación, restauración y difusión del patrimonio cultural chileno (INFOGATE 18 December, 2024).
- 國際傳播高端論壇:邁向可持續未來之路 (Business Times Hong Kong 15 December, 2024).
- 国际传播高端论坛:迈向可持续未来之路 (PR Newswire Asia 15 December, 2024).
- 국제 커뮤니케이션 포럼, 12월 13일 홍콩에서 개최 (ZDNet Korea 14 December, 2024).
- Forum international de la communication : Les voies d'un avenir durable (Tout Le Ski 14 December, 2024).
- Internationales Kommunikationsforum: Wege zu einer nachhaltigen Zukunft (Yahoo!Finanzen 14 December, 2024).
- Forum international de la communication : Les voies d'un avenir durable (Le Lézard 14 December, 2024).
- International Communication Forum: Pathways To A Sustainable Future (Finanz Nachrichten 13 December, 2024).
- International Communication Forum: Pathways To A Sustainable Future (WTRF 13 December, 2024).
- International Communication Forum: Pathways To A Sustainable Future (PR Newswire 13 December, 2024).
- 港產納米耕作系統 入選2024聯合國獎項候選名單 (am730 10 December, 2024).
- RD retrocede 6 puestos en el Índice Global de Innovación (RC Noticias 3 December, 2024).
- Young Entrepreneurs from the Western Balkans gather in Graz for Innovation Festival (OSCE 29 November, 2024)
- Esse gênio brasileiro está entre os mais inovadores no MIT (Tekimobile 22 November, 2024).
- Santo Tomás es sede de encuentro beneficiadas STEM (Santo Tomás en Línea 21 November, 2024).
- Exigy Nominated for World Summit Award 2024 (Exigy 18 November, 2024).
- Nextcloud Recognized with World Summit Award Germany (Nextcloud 15 November, 2024).
- BiH ima predstavnika na izboru za najbolju digitalnu zdravstvenu inovaciju na svijetu ( 15 November, 2024).
- Wie kommuniziert man Energie? Ein alternativer Ansatz des next-incubators (Future Zone 14 November, 2024).
- «Фиг вам, а не подпись в загсе» (Такие Дела 14 November, 2024).
- Fonasa gana Premio Avonni 2024 en categoría Innovación Pública (AdPRENSA 13 November, 2024).
- World Summit Awards 2024: Projetos que vão representar Portugal estão escolhidos (SAPO 8 November, 2024).
- Innovación y conservación ambiental en República Dominicana: Proyecto de Censo de Manatíes compite en el World Summit Awards 2024 (Diario Social RD 7 November, 2024).
- Projeto “Memórias Fotográficas do Cartaxo” representa Portugal em prémio internacional (Jornal de Cá 6 November, 2024).
- RD promueve la conservación ambiental en Censo de Manatíes en el World Summit Awards 2024 (El Nuevo Diario República Dominicana 6 November, 2024).
- Há um português com solução para a desinformação em IA na linha da frente em Silicon Valley (Briefing 5 November, 2024).
- Real Travel: la aplicación móvil de Chile, que se transformó en la app partner del Congreso Mundial de ISTO en Costa Rica (Diario Estrategia 23 October, 2024).
- Three Innovative Digital Solutions for Social Impact from Japan Nominated to World Summit Award 2024 (World in You 23 October, 2024).
- Blinkist: Η εταιρεία όπου είναι το ίδιο δύσκολο να μπεις όσο και στο Χάρβαρντ (newmoney 19 October, 2024).
- Ludwigshafener Start-up MEDEA Biopharma gewinnt bei Startup Germany Summit (openPR 17 October, 2024).
- Programos Foundation: 7 Startups to Represent Nigeria at UN WSA 2024 (TechEconomy 14 October, 2024).
- Eight startups selected as category winners for World Summit Awards Malaysia National Finals (Digital News Asia 7 October, 2024).
- Os melhores projetos digitais em Portugal podem candidatar-se ao WSA Portugal 2024 (SAPO 4 October, 2024).
- Українські проєкти на World Summit Award: як податися на конкурс (Vector 23 September, 2024).
- World Summit Awards 2024 – конкурс інноваційних цифрових рішень (Громадський Простір 22 September, 2024).
- World Summit Award reconhece melhores iniciativas em inovação digital do Brasil (Dataprev 16 September, 2024).
- World Summit Awards procuram soluções digitais inovadoras. Portugal também está convocado (Smart Cities 16 September, 2024).
- Academy4AI: Innovationbed (Africa) Announces Free Mentorship Programme for 1000 African Undergraduates (TechEconomy 14 September, 2024).
- Programa da Fundação Vodafone vai dar competências digitais a mais 18.500 crianças (Imagens de Marca 13 September, 2024).
- DigitALL da Fundação Vodafone leva competências digitais a 18.500 crianças (Mais Algarve 12 September, 2024).
- Iniciativa da Vodafone dá competências digitais a mais 18.500 crianças (SAPO 12 September, 2024).
- World Summit Awards 2024 Portugal | Candidaturas abertas (IAPMEI, I.P. - Agência para a Competitividade e Inovação 10 September, 2024).
- Latitude59 kutsub Eesti idusid esitama oma innovaatilisi lahendusi mainekale konkursile (Essti elu GoodNews 5 September, 2024).
- Serán en India: Llaman a emprendedores de Los Lagos a participar de los World Summit Awards 2025 (El Heraldo Austral 27 August, 2024).
- Llaman a emprendedores de Los Lagos a participar de los World Summit Awards 2025 (DiarioEmprende 26 August, 2024).
- Американские школы для незрячих заинтересовались казахстанскими разработками (Kazinform 25 August, 2024).
- Gica Trierweiler se suma a Bullet como CSO (Latin Spots 22 August, 2024).
- Bullet anuncia Gica Trierweiler como Chief Strategy Officer (Grandes Nomes da Propaganda August 21, 2024).
- Explore 80+ Open Grant Opportunities for Climate Change Projects (Fund for NGOs July 27, 2024).
- "Innovate in the models or disappear": Arturo López Valerio issues warning at SIP Connect 2024 (El Sentinel Digital July 20,2024).
- André Baptista, co-founder of Ethiack: "A leader must nurture his curiosity and change roles several times in the company" (Expresso July 10, 2024).
- WSA and WSA Young Innovators 2024 (Opportunity Desk July 9, 2024).
- Participez au World Summit Award 2024 pour les jeunes innovateurs digitaux (Opportunités Madagascar July 8, 2024).
- World Summit Award (WSA) Young Innovators Award for Digital Entrepreneurs 2024 ( July 7, 2024).
- World Summit Award Young Innovators Award for Digital Entrepreneurs in Africa ( July 7, 2024).
- World Summit Award (WSA) Young Innovators Award 2024 (After School Africa July 5, 2024).
- MCIT calls for participation in ‘World Summit Awards 2024’ competition (The peninsula Qatar July 5, 2024).
- World Summit Award (WSA) Young Innovators Award 2024 (Opportunities For Africans July 4, 2024).
- MCIT Calls for Participation in "World Summit Awards 2024" Competition (Qatar mews agency July 4, 2024).
- World Summit Award (WSA) Young Innovators Award 2024 for young Digital Entrepreneurs (Opportunities For July 3rd, 2024).
- Abu Dhabi Agriculture and Food Safety Authority wins World Summit on the Information Society Award (Abu Dhabi Media Office July 1st, 2024).
- Bulgarian Solution for Remote Medical Monitoring Wins International Award for Health and Wellbeing(Bulgarian News Agency June 29, 2024).
- The innovative information platform of the city of Šiauliai won recognition! (Skrastas June 25, 2024)
- The "Smart City" platform became the "Digital Bookseller 2024" (Skrastas June 21, 2024)
- It has become clear who will represent Lithuania at the World Summit Awards ( June 21, 2024)
- Los Lagos: Chile's second largest exporter of non-traditional products (Mundo Acuicola June 19, 2024)
- ProChile highlights international positioning of the Los Lagos Region in the World Summit Awards (RadioSago June 16, 2024)
- WSA: The global event that has allowed us to continue the positioning and promotion of the Los Lagos region ( June 15, 2024)
- Innovation and creation of shared value in 2024 (acento June 4, 2024)
- Top eTraining applications presented by SIMAVI at BSDA 2024 (Spot May 28, 2024)
- The World Summit Awards leave a legacy of sustainable development in the Los Lagos region (Osorno en la Red May 27, 2024)
- 6 startups that support psychotherapy and mental health (MAMSTARTUP May 21, 2024)
- Documentary that shows the alarming contamination of plastics and microplastics will be presented in Costa Rica (Delfino May 22, 2024)
- Innovation as an engine to promote sustainable tourism (Osorno en la Red May 19, 2024)
- From Cerro Navia to New York: music teacher Manuel Puebla hits the screens in Times Square ( May 17, 2024)
- The keys to innovation according to Barbarita Lara (Radio Pauta May 17, 2024)
- The Chilean professor who arrived at Times Square in New York (DfMAs May 17, 2024)
- UM6P stands out at the World Summit Awards ceremony in Chile (UM6P April 20, 2024)
- Mosaico is on the shortlist of the World Summit Awards (Ama May 9, 2024).
- The innovative impulse in the Los Lagos Region (Salmon Exoert May 5, 2024).
- CIO Charity Run&Bike launched (ComputerWoche May 3rd, 2024).
- Bci became part of the 2024 Impact Startup World Cup that was held in the Los Lagos Region (Emol.econmy April 30, 2024).
- World Summit Awards: Entrepreneurs participated in the World Startup Championship held in Chilean Patagonia (Entreprenerd April 29, 2024).
- Photographer Sergio Izquierdo won at the World Summit Awards (Diario de Centro America April 29, 2024).
- The World Summit Awards 2024 position the Los Lagos Region among the elite of sustainability and tourism(El Heraldo Austral April 26, 2024).
- World Summit Awards 2024: positioning the Los Lagos Region as an epicenter of creativity and networking (Entrepenerd April 26, 2024).
- WSA 2024 positioned the Los Lagos Region in the elite of sustainability and tourism (Mundo Acuicola April 26, 2024).
- Aster entrepreneurs participated in the startup world championship held in Chilean Patagonia (Mediabanco April 26, 2024).
- The World Summit Awards 2024 position the Los Lagos Region among the elite of sustainability and tourism (ElGong April 26, 2024).
- The World Summit Awards 2024 position the Los Lagos Region among the elite of sustainability and tourism ( April 25, 2024.).
- Project to build ICT skills among Orang Asli wins global award (The star April 25, 2024).
- The United Nations "The World Summit Award" Japan company OSINTEC wins the first award in the environment and green energy category (Ehime Online April 24, 2024).
- World Summit Awards 2024 positions Los Lagos among the elite of sustainability and tourism (Diario Emprende April 24, 2024).
- Bestinet introduces safety system against exploitation of foreign workers (BHonline April 24, 2024).
- The United Nations "The World Summit Award" Japan company OSINTEC wins the first award in the environment and green energy category ( April 24, 2024).
- The United Nations "The World Summit Award" Japan company OSINTEC wins the first award in the environment and green energy category (PRtimes April 24, 2024).
- UM6P stands out at the World Summit Awards ceremony in Chile (UM6P April 20, 2024).
- World Summit Awards : L’UM6P primée à l’international pour sa technologie T3 (Hespress April 23, 2024).
- World Summit Awards Congress in Puerto Varas called success (Patagon Journal April 23, 2024).
- Selection of the best Lithuanian digital innovations for the global competition begins (LRT April 22, 2024).
- Sustainable Innovation Stands Out at the World Summit Award 2024 Gala in Frutillar (DiarioDePuertomontt April 19, 2024).
- Documentary chapín won at the World Summit Awards 2024 (Chapin en USA April 19, 2024).
- Plasticosphere Documentary won at the World Summit Awards 2024 ( April 18, 2024).
- QSTP-funded startups using digital solutions to preserve Arabic language and culture (Gulf Times April 17, 2024).
- Innovation and digital transformation in the heart of Los Lagos (El nuevo diario April 17, 2024).
- Innovation, sustainability and technology in Chile (Acento April 17, 2024).
- World Summit Awards in Frutillar: the event that brings together the world of startups (Radio Pauta April 17, 2024).
- Innovation and Digital Transformation in the Heart of Chile: World Summit Awards 2024 (Roberto Cavada April 17, 2024).
- World Summit Awards 2024: 20 Chilean startups participate in international meeting (ProChile April 17, 2024).
- Real Travel, the tourism app created in the Los Lagos region, was selected as an "App Partner" of the World Summit Awards 2024 (Noticias April15, 2024).
- Los Lagos Region hosts the international sustainability congress that takes place in Frutillar (RadioSago April 15, 2024).
- The Regional Launch of the Avonni National Innovation Award 2024 will be held at Teatro del Lago de Frutillar (El HeraldoAustral April 15, 2024).
- Everything is ready in the Los Lagos Region for the WSA 2024 World Entrepreneurship World Cup (Osorno en la Red April 13, 2024).
- The countdown to the WSA 2024 begins (Aqua April 12, 2024).
- Everything is ready in the Los Lagos Region for the WSA 2024 World Entrepreneurship World Cup (Diarioelranco April 11, 2024).
- World Startup Championship to be held in Frutillar and Puerto Varas will have 42 competitors (Soy Puerto Montt April 10, 2024).
- The world-class destination for WSA 2024 attendees (Mundo Acuicola April 9, 2024).
- Innovative leaders from around the world will gather in southern Chile to present ideas on Sustainable Development (SoyChile April 8, 2024).
- The Lakes Region prepares to receive the best representatives of the global entrepreneurship ecosystem (Infogate April 6, 2024).
- WSA 2024 World Championship will be held in Frutillar between Sunday, April 14 and Wednesday, April 17 (ElHeraldoAustral April 5, 2024).
- The Lakes Region is poised to be the epicenter of global entrepreneurship (Diario Sustentable April 5, 2024).
- Voiceitt puts its AI to work, making the remote workplace inclusive (prnewswire April 1st, 2024).
- The Lakes Region prepares to receive the best representatives of the global entrepreneurship ecosystem (tierramarillano April 4, 2024).
- World Summit Award: The world entrepreneurship award arrives in South of Chile (Radio Puta April 4, 2024).
- Los Lagos Region Prepares for Global Innovation Event (Aqua April 4, 2024
- Los Lagos prepares to receive the best representatives of the global entrepreneurship ecosystem (elcalbucano April 2nd, 2024).
- World Summit Awards 2024: The international startup meeting arrives for the first time in Chile in April (Portalpyme April 2nd, 2024).
- 13 scientists from Central Asia with international achievements (Weproject April 1st, 2024).
- On Saturday "Air danger: Leskovac in the pollution zone“ (Resetka Macrh 28, 2024)
- Barbarita Lara, innovator of the year: "You have to hack yourself and break the boundaries of society to get what you want" (University of Valparaiso March 28, 2024).
- Generation Chile invites you to EmpoweredbyWomen, an event on the challenges of women in the world of work (Portal Metropolitano March 19, 2023).
- Assam: Krisarthak selected by World Summit Awards (EastMojo March 19, 2024).
- Global Recognition Of A Local Enterprise: Conservation Efforts Of The Lepcha Language In The Digital Age (Outlook March 13, 2024).
- IMDA’s TradeTrust framework enables governments and businesses to issue, exchange and verify trade documents risk-free, with enhanced efficiency and affordability (ChannelNewsAsia March 13, 2024).
- DHL Group's Language Learning App for Employees wins UN World Summit Award Germany (DHL Group March 13, 2024).
- Language Learning App for DHL Employees Wins Prestigious Award in Education Category (EuropaWire March 12, 2024).
- DHL Group: Language learning app for employees wins UN World Summit Award Germany (PressePortal March 12, 2024).
- DHL language learning app wins UN World Summit Award (Parcelandpostaltechnologyinternational March 11, 2024).
- NCCAL mourns renowned software pioneer Sharekh (Kuwait Times March 9, 2024).
- NCCAL mourns renowned Kuwaiti pioneer Mohammad Al-Sharekh (Kuna March 7, 2024).
- The departure of Mohammed Alsharekh The "rock" that introduced Arabic to the computer (Islam Online March 7, 2024).
- PenCS wins United Nations-based World Summit Award 2023 (Adelaidephn March 7, 2024).
- WSA-Austria Completes National Pre-Selection for World Summit Award – Eight Startups Selected (Brutkasten March 7, 2024).
- Mosaico wins the national phase of the World Summit Awards (Ama March 7, 2024).
- ESCWA Digital Arabic Content Award Winners Announced (Mirage News March 7, 2024).
- L’UM6P primée à l’international pour sa technologie révolutionnaire T3 (Aujourdhui March 1st, 2024).
- West Bengal: Rongring Lepcha Cultural Society Receives World Summit Award for Language Preservation (The Sentinel March 1st, 2024).
- Rongring Lepcha Cultural Society wins World Summit Award (eastmojo March 1st, 2024).
- International Center for New Media to award conservers of Lepcha language Rongring(The Telegraph Online February 28, 2024)
- Saving Lepcha language: Association from Kalimpong bags global award (Millenium Post February 28,2024).
- Kalimpong's RLCWS Wins Global Award for Preserving Endangered Lepcha Language (bnnbreaking February 28, 2024).
- RuleWatcher is the only Japan winner at the world's largest ICT event (Amagasaki February 28,2024).
- WEO wins WSA Award 2023 (startupluxemburg February 28,2024).
- International Center for New Media to award conservers of Lepcha language Rongring (The TelegraphOnline February 28, 2024).
- Saving Lepcha language: Association from Kalimpong bags global award (Millenium Post February 28, 2024).
- New Zealand's Digital Passport to the Future: Winning Global Recognition for Bridging the Employment Gap (bnnbreaking February 27, 2024).
- New Zealand's academyEX wins global award for innovative Edtech platform (itBrief Ferbruary 27, 2024).
- academyEX And Ministry Of Social Development’s Digital Passport Wins Global Innovation And Impact Award ( February 27, 2024)
- Citizen science projects increasingly rooted in a more committed society: the case of Mosquito Alert ( February 26, 2024).
- UM6P wins international award for innovative T§ technology (Tic Maroc February 26,2024).
- Phygigtal Evolution: UM&P´s T3 Solution Wins WSA Award (MWN February 25, 2024).
- World Summit Award: Mohammed VI Polytechnic University awarded ( Lareleve February 25, 2024).
- Citizen science project increasingly rooted in a more committed society: the case of Mosquito Alert( Meteored February 25, 2024).
- There are two Portuguese winners in this United Nations global award(Hrportugal February 24, 2024).
- World Summit Awards: Two Portuguese projects distinguished in a UN initiative (visao February 24, 2024).
- Ehsan Platform Earns 2023 WSA Award for Inclusion and Empowerment, Bolstering National Accolades ( February 24, 2024).
- Phygital Evolution: UM6P’s T3 Solution Wins WSA Award ( February 24, 2024)
- The Mosquito Alert citizen project wins international WSA 2023 award (Portal Veterinaria February 24, 2024).
- Training solution wins UN World Summit Award Germany (checkpoint-Elearning February, 2024).
- Mosquito Alert Citizen Science Project Receives WSA 2023 International Award | Spanish National Research Council (CSIC February 22,2024)
- World Summit Awards: Moroccan Startup T3 awarded for its authentication solution ( February 22, 2024).
- T3 shines at the World Summit Awards with its Blockchain solution (Les February 22, 2024).
- WSA: Ethiack and Clube de Autores are the portuegese winners in the United Nations awards (Tek February 22, 2024).
- Portugal has two world winners in United Nations award (Forever young February 22, 2024).
- UN-WSA Nigeria Youth Ambassadors´Conference: Zamfara seeks innovators´partnership on security, healthtech and eLearning. (Techeconomy February 22, 2024).
- Morocco wins WSA Award for technology project (Aljadide February 23, 2024).
- Phygital Evolution: UM6P´s T3 Solution wins WSA Award (MoroccoWorldNews February 23, 2024).
- Ehsan Platform Earns 2023 WSA Award for Inclusion and Empowerment, Bolstering National Accolades ( February 23,2024).
- Portugal has two world winners in the United Nations award ( February 22, 2024).
- WSA: Ethiak and Clube de Autores are the Portuguese winners nin the United Nations award ( February 22, 2024).
- T3 shines at the World Summit Awards with its Blockchain solution ( February 22, 2024).
- World Summit Awards: Moroccan Startup T3 awarded for its authentication solution (Le Matin February 22, 2024).
- Mosquito Alert citizen science project receives WSA 2023 international award (CSIC February 22,2024).
- Training solution wins UN World Summit Award Germany (CheckPoint eLearning February 22, 2024).
- UN-WSA Nigeria Youth ambassadors’ Conference: Zamfara Seeks Innovators’ Partnership on Security, Healthtech and eLearning (Techeconomy February 22, 2024).
- Hyderabad News Today: 2023 Hurun India Rankings, 2024 WSA Grand Jury Meeting, KCR Birthday Wishes (TelenganaToday February 19,2024).
- Training Solution wins UN World Summit Award (CheckPoint_eLearning February 19, 2024)
- Hyderabad becomes second Indian city to host 2024 WSA Grand Jury meeting (TelanganaToday February 18,2024).
- In the mission for cybersecurity, Ethiack wans to rescue hacking from the dark side of the force (Coimbra Coolectiva February 9, 2024).
- Kim of Ro-op attended the Global Refugee Forum, the world´s largest international conference, as a representative of Japan (PRTIMES February 4, 2024).
- World Prize Hopeful ( January 30, 2024).
- A Hungarian AI workshop has become one of the best in the world ( January 29, 2024).
- PCS animation leaps onto global screens ( January 29, 2024).
- The project of the ENU scientist was shortlisted for the World Summit Awards ( January 28, 2024).
- Invention of enumerate scientist – nominee from World Summit Awards (Aykin January 26, 2024).
- Health success: Hungarian Mi workshop ranked among the best in the world (StartLap tech January 25, 2024).
- Dominican Entrepreneurship Projects Selected for UN Competition (Diario Libre January 25, 2024).
- Hungarian AIP Labs reaches the final of the World Summit Award (egeszsegkalauz January 25, 2024).
- Alex De Santos and Jonathan Mentor nominated in United Nations competition (elCaribe January 25, 2024).
- A Hungarian healthcare innovation company has been ranked among the best in the world (Hirstart January 24, 2024).
- Portugal has five projects on the shortlist of the United Nations innovation awards (Human Resources January 24, 2024).
- Five Portuguese projects among the finalists of the UN innovation awards (O Jornal Economico January 23, 2024).
- Dominican Entrepreneurships Projects selected for United Nations Competition (elDinero January 22, 2024).
- Dominican Entrepreneurship Projects Selected for UN Competition (Diario Libre January 22, 2024).
- UN award, recognition for innovative African mobile company (ItWeb January 20, 2024).
- Dominican innovations part of the World Summit Awards (Dominican Innovations January 20, 2024).
- Dominican Entrepreneurship Advances at World Summit Awards (El Nuevo Diario January 20, 2024).
- Authenticity, Well-being, and commitment: Yasmine Darwich´s entrepreneurial blueprint (CIO Look January 18, 2024).
- "The book is a constant reinvention" (O Jornal Economico January 14, 2024).
- A2i´s yearlong initiatives build foundation of Smart Bangladesh (BSS January 1st, 2024).