Fair Play Anti – Corruption Youth Voices

SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong InstitutionsSDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals

Fair Play Anti-Corruption Youth Voices is a global anti-corruption music video competition for young musicians aged 18-35 yrs. Corruption has a profound negative impact on the lives of youth around the globe: bribes demanded by health sector officials cut youth off from proper medical care; police corruption perpetuates violence within communities driving youth into the frontlines of gun battles; and barriers to accessing education and employment push youth into depression, drugs, and alcoholism. The impact of corruption on the attitudes of youth is no less harmful – the embezzlement of public funds and international aid by politicians and institutions erodes their trust in public systems; bribes offered by politicians in exchange for votes seed frustration, as the confidence of youth to influence public policy and realize social change is undermined. The Fair Play Anti-Corruption Youth Voices project, implemented in partnership with the JMI Foundation, the World Bank Institute, and the Global Youth Anti-Corruption Network, aims to engage young musicians as ambassadors for the anti-corruption cause, utilizing the appeal of music videos to deliver a global anti-corruption message. The Fair Play website (www.anticorruptionmusic.org) showcases all the videos submitted to Fair Play, over 100 artists/bands, and serves as a platform for connecting socially conscious artists (or ‘artivists’) and audiences around the world. Check out the music: Say No to Corruption, Hand in Hand and We Are One People.