Digital Iceland
- Original Title: Stafrænt Ísland
- Year: 2023
- Award: The World Summit Award
- Category: Government & Citizen Engagement
- Producer: Vigdís Jóhannsdóttir
- Organisation: Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs
- Country: Iceland
- URL:
- Social:
Digital Iceland stands out as a one-stop platform for citizens in Iceland to
access government services. The high quality app simplifies life and
generates positive environmental effects. Citizens get information, apply
for public services, follow up on application status or look up personal
data. Public entities optimize processes by communicating with citizens
via Digital Iceland, making better use of public funds with less traveling,
less paper use, and faster results. Digital Iceland impresses by providing
more time for experts to support those really needing services and by the
high level of accessibility regardless of location or disability.