SDG 7: Affordable and clean energySDG 13: Climate Action

M-PAYG has developed a combined software and hardware solution, that enables poor households in emerging markets to lease solar panels through small affordable mobile money transfers.


M-PAYG targets 3 interlinked problems:(1) poor households do not have access to the official grid. This force them use dirty fuels (2) such as lamp oil and fuelwood for lighting, which is extremely bad for indoor climate. The reason they cannot buy modern energy services is because they are unbanked (3).


The M/PAYG system provides a solution to the 3 challenges, which makes access to renewable solar energy affordable. First the system is installed in the household. To use it the household transfer 5 USD pr. month and receives back a token (code) by SMS.


The token is then entered on the M-PAYG Hub, which opens for 1 month of energy from the solar system. Next month the cycle repeats itself. After the system is paid back the customer owns it.


In this way M-PAYG makes modern energy available at affordable rates.