Ovante – boosting people and businesses

SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth
  • Original Title: Ovante- impulsando personas y negocios
  • Year: 2019
  • Award: World Summit Award
  • Category: Learning & Education
  • Producer: Liza Guzmán
  • Organisation: Accion
  • Country: Colombia
  • URL: https://www.ovante.org/

Ovante is an internal startup created by Accion (accion.org) to ensure low income microentrepreneurs are set to succeed, regardless of their education level or current access to funds. By using behavioral economics, Ovante helps them identify and change the behaviors (practices, habits, beliefs) that prevent them to grow their businesses and use the data collected to produce a behavioral credit score that financial entities can use to assess and provide access to credit. They establish partnerships with financial entities who are interested in a scalable solution to boost their clients and their businesses.