Welcome words by: Richard Vrzal and Emil Diaconu, Imfino
Insights from Impact Investors: Martin Rohla, Goodshares and Nikolaus Hutter, New Paradigm Ventures


In this hands-on session, you will work to develop your impact capital funding ask so that it makes sense for your enterprise while helping you approach the right investors for your needs with a compelling request. Whether you are looking to raise grants, debt, equity, or a combination, you will leave this workshop better prepared to speak with investors.



    in partnership with Talentgarden Vienna facilitated by Stefan Bauer, Innovation School Director, Talentgarden Vienna, Austria


Be prepared to share your passion and insights! A barcamp is an event with a self-organizing character – the content and the agenda is organized by you.
Together with local tech-preneurs, you will discuss, share and learn in an open environment at the ideal location – Talent Garden Vienna – the co-working place for tech entrepreneurs in Vienna.



Showcasing digital transformation in areas like digital workplace, hybrid cloud, business acceleration, and cybersecurity, the BTIC is the perfect venue for everyone interested in topics like Industry 4.0, IoT or Cybersecurity. Atos experts will share their insights in a special WSA networking meeting and will present their latest innovations.


  • SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURS at THE UN HQ Vienna -  Roundtable meeting and discussion

    in partnership with UN Information Service Vienna, moderated by WSA Boardmember Matteo Landi, CEO MyChef, Italy

Vienna is one of the four headquarters of the United Nations, along with New York, Geneva and Nairobi. Selected WSA winning teams, working on topics that are relevant to the UN organisations in Vienna, will meet UN representatives, discussing how social entrepreneurs can contribute to the UN SDGs.
(on invitation only)


Storytelling, communicating your WHY, reaching your target group through social media, or inspiring the audience on stage – all that will be taught in this interactive and very hands-on workshop.

The workshop will take place at Magdas Hotel, a social enterprise in Vienna itself – a hotel run by refugees.


  • Josef Umdasch Research Prize Pitches 2020

    by Umdasch Group, Umdasch The Store Makers

Responsible Consumption through digitalisation – 170 entrepreneurs from over 50 countries submitted their ideas to this challenge.
The 5 finalists will pitch their ideas in front of an international jury. The winner will realize their idea together with Umdasch The Store Makers.
Join the pitching session and be inspired how digitalisation can make consumption and retail more sustainable.


Co-Funded by the European Union