From 18th to 20th April 2089, WSA Partner 4GAMECHANGERS Festival took place in Vienna. 2018's 4GAMECHANGER Festival has been held for the third time in a row, with contributions to the programm from the WSA network.



The three days were divided into three different topics. The first day was dedicated to the topic of STARTUPS. Founders of successful startups shared their experiences on the Mainstage with the interested public. On the second day of the festival, 4GAMECHANGERS invited entrepreneurs, politicians and investors. The third day of 4GAMECHANGERS Festival 2018 was themed 4FUTURE DAY. Topics that concern the young generation such as e-sports, safer internet or digital visions of the future were presented here.


WSA Network was represented by WSA Board members Osama Manzar and Ralph Simon, WSA Young Innovators Winner 2010 Anshul Tewari with project YouthKiAwaaz were giving Innovation talks. As well as WSA Winner 2017 PocketDefi with the Startup presentation.



Find the 10 min innovation talk by WSA Board member Ralph Simon here:


Co-Funded by the European Union