Social Entrepreneur, CEO & Founder of Migrapreneur, a purpose-driven company that supports migrants across Europe in their entrepreneurial journeys. Founded and Managed the award-winner organization, Migration Hub, a social enterprise that supported migrants across Europe in different areas and connected social organizations and supported social and new innovative solutions for migrants across the world.


Chair of the Board of other non-profit organizations working with women migrants, and Advisory Board to other programs developing social innovative solutions for migrants. Served as a jury member to several accelerators, prizes, and other projects.


Have been invited as a keynote speaker and lecturer in many important panels and institutions over the past 4 years as well as recurrent recognized media analyst on migration and political issues.


About Migrapreneur:
The purpose-driven company providing services and a network to migrant's entrepreneurial journeys. Migrapreneur stands on the ideal to bridge the gaps and lack of information that prevent migrants to thrive or being treated as regular entrepreneurs.


Our mission: Create a more inclusive entrepreneurial ecosystem.