Andris Melnudris is managing director of LIKTA since October, 2008. From 2005-2008 he was LIKTA project manager. From 1996-2005 he has held several senior positions at the company Data Media Group Ltd., being in charge of international ICT conferences, research projects and publications.


Andris has comprehensive experience in project management and team leading, in-depth knowledge about ICT policy, EU funding instruments, as well as GDPR issues. He has acquired organisational skills for the administration of people, projects and budgets. Under his management LIKTA has exceeded the annual turnover of 2 mln EUR. During the last 5 years it has been achieved to attract EU funding to support ICT sector development and promote digital skills of SMEs and other target groups for more than 7.5 mln EUR.


He is experienced in the co-ordination of EU funded projects (Star-Net, Carer+, PaaSport, IoB, etc.), Intereg projects (Bonita, DIGINNO and DINNOCAP until 2022) and number of e-skills and research projects at LIKTA. He has been involved in the organisation of Baltic IT&T − well-known international forum in Baltic Sea Region for 10+ years. He has experience of management of Web development projects and large ICT PR campaigns.


Andris has been co-ordinating a project “Logical Selection” (2015-2016), the aim of which is to demonstrate successful examples to SMEs to become more efficient and successful by using ICT technologies. This iniative has been grown to "Smart Latvia" being activeuntil 2022.


Andris has been involved in eInvoicing activities, co-ordinating Latvia's participation in Internet of Business project (2016-2017) and facilitating LIKTA eInvoicing working group. He is co-ordinating also LIKTA working group on implementation of GDPR regulation in Latvia.


He is a member of EU Funds Monitoring Committee for the EU Funds planning period 2014-2020 and previous period since 2008.

He holds the degree of Information technologies engineer (1997) from Riga Technical University, and a Project management diploma from Straight Forward Training, UK.