Hello! I'm Marvin, a 25-year-old software developer based in Kiel, Germany, with a wanderlust heart. My work in Web3 allows me the freedom to blend my passion for coding with my love for travel. Whether I'm on the road or settled in a new place, I'm always seeking connections with diverse cultures and indulging in sports like climbing and surfing. My passion for coffee leads me to explore local cafés and savor unique blends, adding another layer of enjoyment to my travels. I'm also eager to delve into martial arts soon.


My academic path in media engineering went hand-in-hand with launching three unique projects. The first was a venture into 3D printing, creating bespoke products for clients. However, the environmental impact of plastic waste from this project didn't sit well with me. In response, my best friend and I embarked on a mission to recycle and reuse this waste, even securing a small scholarship to support our research. Though this project faced insurmountable barriers, it was a valuable learning experience and fostered my will to start a business that betters the planet.


Concurrently, I was deeply involved in another startup, where we developed a mushroom tincture to strengthen the immune systems of honey bees. This venture, alongside my 3D printing experiences, solidified my aspiration to contribute positively to people, animals, and the environment through innovative startups.


Personal health challenges like a herniated disc and chronic pain have only strengthened my resolve. I'm on a mission to rebuild my body and spirit to fulfill a dream close to my heart - joining Sea Shepherd in their noble cause to protect our oceans and marine life. Each day, through my hobbies and my work, I'm moving closer to this dream, driven by a commitment to make a meaningful impact on the world.