Stephanie is a 22 year old Student from Austria who has always been eager to enable young people towards making a change in society. When she joined AIESEC, the world’s largest youth-led organisation, she discovered her passion for interculturality, entrepreneurship and social impact. As a member of the local board, she was part of the founding team of an entrepreneurship project called Empower Austria, connecting international youth to Austrian startups. Over the course of 3 years AIESEC in Austria has managed to engage over 75 Startups in Austria and more than 180 international volunteers that have developed their leadership potential through this program. As part of this project, Stephanie joined the Start & Grow Trainer program by UNIDO alongside fifteen other individuals, where an Entrepreneurship tool was designed and workshops facilitated, to enable young people from all over the world to turn their ideas into startups. Before joining the National Board of AIESEC in Austria, Stephanie has also worked in Event Management for Pioneers. Now, Stephanie is part of the National Board of AIESEC in Austria, responsible for building partnerships for the organisation.