Help for Children

SDG 10: Reduced inequalities

The Help for children webpage was created as an extension to the children’s helpline started in 2009 as a professional telephone phone-in service for children, teens and even adults, concerned about child rights protection. Recognizing that some children or teens are afraid to talk on the phone or prefer to write about their troubles, the website was designed to deliver better and quicker help for children and teens, who themselves need help or know about a child who needs help. Extremely easy to comprehend and to navigate, Help for Children is perfectly adjusted to its target audience – children and youths. Consultants address various abuses, whether drugs/alcohol dependency, unwanted pregnancy, child abuse, violence against a child, or family problems in general. Users quickly find professional help and support via this portal.  With information about how children can also help themselves and where to seek help, Help for children also functions in a preventive way. This exemplary project empowers one of the most powerless groups in society – children and youth – to protect their basic rights and seek solutions to their problems.